Rosie Eccleston

Student Planner


phone: 0191 209 2564

Rosie is based in our Newcastle office.

Rosie is a Student Planner, currently studying for a Masters in Urban Planning at Newcastle University. She has recently completed her third year and is now carrying out her placement year with us at EP.

“I was attracted to Ethical Partnership as I liked the fact it was a multidisciplinary firm, providing the opportunity to work with a range of clients and projects across the country. Having previously spent time shadowing planners in the public sector, I believe I have the attributes required to be able to carry out the job efficiently and successfully transfer these skills when working on private sector projects. I enjoy working with people and have an enthusiasm for our built environment, which I believe will show through the projects I carry out! I believe my initiative and attention to detail will also help me be a useful addition to the team, along with a smiley and positive energy I can bring to the office.

While at EP I look forward to continuing to contribute towards current projects and become a useful asset to the team, helping wherever I can! I am excited about the opportunity to broaden my planning knowledge by working on a range of different aspects and stages within the planning process, with a company that is passionate about both their clients and the profession from the outset. I hope that while I am at EP, I will have the opportunity to have an active role on some heritage and conservation projects, as this is an area I am particularly interested in!”

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